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How Real Is Your Worship


I ask the question, ” How Real is Your Worship”?

On this Monday morning I decided to turn on my favorite Worship station (Amazon Prime, Tasha Cobbs). I am in what we call the “content with your/my portion” season of life with my employment. You know that season where you know you have more to give and more to offer than what you currently have in front of you. You know, that season when you literally rely on God to give you the energy and strength to even get dressed for the day. Yup, that one!

Mondays are usually hard but I know that I have to push through anyway. In order to do this, I listen to Christian Worship music. It helps me focus and serves as a reminder of God’s unfailing love for me. It is during this time that I reflect on how good God has been to me. As the songs change, the message remains the same. BUT GOD.

I remember when I first head James Fortune’s son Let The Power Fall. I lost it. I cried at my desk. Eventually, I had to get up and go to the ladies room just to finish my worship. I was in such awe of God. I was in awe of how he caters to me.

He humbles me. He refreshes me. He restores me. He forgives me. He loves me.

Listening to worship music sets the tone for my day. It gives me joy and peace in my heart. The enemy can not survive in a place filled with Worship. He may try, but he CAN NOT prevail. I have noticed that it keeps me calmer and is a relaxer.

When you Worship God, you break the chains. You put your faith and trust in Him. You allow him to lead and to stretch you. Don’t worship for others. Don’t worship because you need God to move in your life. Worship because he deserves it. Worship because he has brought you this far. Worship because even if the midst of tough seasons, he protects you. He covers you. Worship Him because of WHO he is and not just what he has done. Your worship should be a personal commitment.

I encourage you to set the tone for your day, week, month and year by being intentional about your Worship time. Your situations may not change right away but I believe YOU will change (in a positive way) during that situation or season.

Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:20-21 | ESV

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