Today is the official start of a new year. This is the year 2017. Often times, the first day of a new year is brought on by the phrase ” New Year, New Me”. This can sometimes become a trendy phrase but lets actually apply this belief to our lives.
One of the most amazing things about God is that when we connect with him, our lives are forever changed. The bible teaches us “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2.
In this new year allow yourself the opportunity to live on purpose. Allow yourself to remove your own fears. Forgive yourself from the mistakes you made the year before. Truly believe that because you are connected to Christ, you are unstoppable.
MY 2017 Prayer
Dear Father in Heaven,
I thank you for your grace. I thank you for your peace and love. I thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I thank you that I am able to come to you when things become to tough. I thank you that I am equipped to fight. I thank you that I am blessed. I thank you that your Word holds true and that my growth in found in my relationship with you.
I thank you that my business, friendships and personal relationships will blossom in 2017. Because I will keep you first, everything connected to me will be blessed. I will achieve levels that I never imagined would be possible. My business will allow financial freedom and give me the opportunity to bless others in the process. My relationship will strengthen.
Father, I am your Daughter. I love, admire and respect you. You are awesome and quite deserving of the praise and Glory. There is nothing too hard for you. I am connected to the Most High. Because of you, I know that I will win.
In Jesus Name