My Dear Sister,
Why are you hiding yourself?
What is it that you are afraid of?
Has your life troubled you so much, that you no longer feel Bold or Proud to be YOU?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, this is for you. We must all come to a place where we are no longer hiding behind “issues or circumstances of life”. No one has lived a perfect life. We all have faults and have carried burdens. Often times, we even added on the burdens of others. We can’t continue to operate in this manner.
I recently began reading Heather Lindsey’s latest book entitled The Purpose Room (you can order via Amazon.com or directly through http://www.pinkypromiseboutiques.com). As I was preparing to write this blog, I picked up this book to clear my writer’s block. I opened the book and the page landed on her section discussing fear. Heather explains to us that there are two types of fear. “The first type is beneficial and is to be encouraged, which is the fear of the Lord. The second type is of this world, and it is to be avoided.”- Heather Lindsey.
I instantly knew that I needed to include this passage in the blog. We as believers are set apart. We can’t allow the things of this world to dictate our lives. How can we say we trust God if we allow fear to retain us? How can we say we have Faith if we do not ignite it? When we join the body of Christ, we surrender our hearts and mind to Him. We believe God for everything and we try him at His Word. We listen for His Voice and we move at his direction. We are Not Ashamed. We are Not Afraid.
You may be thinking, How do I come out of Hiding?
How do I stand Bold when I have no idea what is next?
I understand those questions. I have been in the same boat as you. The answer is both simple and complex. The simple answer is that you have to step out-LITERALLY. You can no longer live in bubble of comfort. You can no longer play it safe. The complex answer is that you have to trust that God will never leave you or forsake you. This complex because it’s not easy thing to do. We are not able to see God. However, we can hear him speaking to us. We can feel his presence. That little stirring in your gut is not a belly ache. It is God speaking into your being. It is God leading you to where he has you to go. If you just allow him to do the work in you, you will be renewed.
Trusting God allows me to feel peace in my spirit. It allows me to expect the unexpected. It allows God to do what only he can do. You are not in position to bless God when you are operating in worldly fear. Even when you don’t feel “ready”, MOVE! God will equip you.
But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. (Isaiah 43:1)